Volunteers for Villages

Do you want to help in Embracing the World's work in India’s villages? The villages project was launched with one goal – that the
villages of India should become role models for sustainable development.
Do you have skills or talents you could share to support women’s groups as they become independent? Would you like to share your success with those less fortunate? Do you like AMMACHI Labs’ work? Then please read on.
AMMACHI Labs, a research wing of Amrita University, is working with villages across India to make this vision of Amma’s a reality. Using a unique blend of computerized Vocational Education and Training, and a community-building Life Enrichment Education and foundational education in values, women in these villages receive the kind of skills they need to empower themselves and their community.
Empowering women & Communities through Sustainable Solutions" is one area we focus on and our latest project is to bring sanitation and health education to villages by training communities to build toilets in an effort to end India's open defecation
Here's Where YOU Can Help!
***Volunteer coordinators: Help monitor the overall health of the village training centre by monitoring classroom activities, coordinate with facilitators, communicate with headquarters, handle administrative and IT issues, and assist AMMACHI Labs staff in travel and translation. Must make a commitment to visiting the village, ideally once a week.
***Mentors: Give some workshops on valuable economic, and life skills. Help the new groups become stronger and more independent through education, activities, and new opportunities. Volunteer duties will be based on time and resources available.
***Translators: All of the course content given must be translated from English or Hindi to the local language. There is tons of research data and interviews that must be translated into English.
***General Help: Do you live outside of India and want to help our efforts from afar? We are seeking motivated individuals with a wide range of skills including writers, IT experts, graphic designers, web developers, accountants, administrators, artists and more! Connect with us.
The Villages are in the following locations:
Uttarakhand: Dunda
Haryana: Surakhpur (near Jhajjar)
Jammu and Kashmir: Pandori (near Parole) Himachal Pradesh: Gangawal
Punjab: Samrala (near Tehsil) Karnataka: Byse (near Hosanagara)
Andra Pradesh: Gudipati Cheruvu (near Vinukonda) Telangana: Ibrahimpur (near Medak)
Goa: Malcopon (near Salcete) Bihar: Hadiabad (near Arrah)
Uttarpradesh: Sarai Nooruddin (near Bahadurpur) Jharkhand: Devgain (near Hatia)
West Bengal: Kalinagar (near Pailan) Chattisgarh: Deurbal (near Bastar)
Odisha: Bhoi Sahi (near Pipili, Bubaneshwar) Madhya Pradesh: Molakhedi
Gujarat: Borwayi (near Ahmedabad) Maharashtra:Ransai (near Navi Mumbai) Rajasthan: Hariya Ki Dhani (near Jaipur)
If you live nearby to our centres, or would like to help from outside of India, please use this form:
Amma says, there are two kinds of poverty:
Poverty caused by a lack of money.
Poverty caused by a lack of love.
And two kinds of education:
Education for living.
Education for life.
All of these aspects are important to consider, but as Amma says, it is the poverty of love and education for life that should be addressed first. If you have love, you will whole-heartedly serve those who are poor in money. If you know how to live well, then the whole world will support you to succeed.
Our mailing address is:
Ammachi Labs
Amrita University
Kollam District 690525
Copyright © 2015 Ammachi Labs, All rights reserved.