
Those who know the Self are always compassionate. They wish to see society thrive in peace and harmony.
Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life. If we dive deep enough into ourselves, we will find that the one thread of universal love ties all beings together. As this awareness dawns within us, peace alone will reign.
To awaken spiritual unity and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature is the true goal of human life.
The conservation of nature will be possible only when people fully recognize that they are a part of nature.
Someone full of love and compassion cannot draw a line between two countries, two faiths or religions.
Change has to begin with the individual.  When an individual changes for the better, the whole family benefits, and then society prospers.
What we need is peace of mind. We can gain that only through the control of our mind.
How to attain concentration? There are no short cuts. Constant practice is needed. In the beginning, it is a great thing if by chance we get even one or two minutes of concentration in an hour. We should make continuous and sincere effort without stopping until we gain one pointed concentration.
