
Ask yourself, "Why can't I just smile and be happy?"  As long as we carry the burden of the past, we cannot genuinely smile.
The agony caused by the longing to see God is not sorrow; it is bliss. The state that we attain by calling and crying to God is equal to the bliss that the yogi experiences in samadhi.
The impermanent, which is the body, is given too much importance. The permanent, which is the Atman, is completely forgotten. This should change.
An artist paints with focus; the painting becomes complete only through ekagrata (one-pointedness). Similarly, whatever is our goal, we need focus on that to make it complete.
Surrender and living in the moment are one and the same.
If we continuously maintain Self-awareness, we will be able to experience peace and happiness.
We should be willing to take action, without waiting to see whether or not anyone will be there to help us.
How to attain concentration? There are no short cuts. Constant practice is needed. In the beginning, it is a great thing if by chance we get even one or two minutes of concentration in an hour. We should make continuous and sincere effort without stopping until we gain one pointed concentration.
