
Someone full of love and compassion cannot draw a line between two countries, two faiths or religions.
True laughter comes from the heart.  Only with an innocent heart can we experience real joy and give joy to others.
Creating fear and respect in order to teach obedience cannot be called disciplining. True constructive disciplining takes place when love is allowed to blossom.
Real life is developed from within. Real living means that the soul expresses itself through all one's thoughts, words and actions. A person becomes fearless once he understands the nature of the imperishable soul.
Only by understanding what is everlasting and what is transitory can we progress in life without ever losing our mental balance or peace of mind.
The only way to put an end to the ruler of these negative thoughts and emotions is to develop awareness.
Selfless service strengthens the mind so that you can overcome any situation in life.
You need not be wealthy or in a high position in order to console the suffering. A loving word, a compassionate glance, a helping hand - that's enough to help someone.
