
The more you give, the more you will have, like an endless spring that flows into the well as you draw water.
Even if we have everything, if there is no mental peace, we cannot lead a happy life.
How to attain concentration? There are no short cuts. Constant practice is needed. In the beginning, it is a great thing if by chance we get even one or two minutes of concentration in an hour. We should make continuous and sincere effort without stopping until we gain one pointed concentration.
We should live every moment with awareness.
When we take each step forward with positive thoughts and a smile, all good qualities will come to us and fill our being.  Then God cannot possibly stay away from us.
Spirituality is the science that teaches us how to live happily in the world.
We are not isolated islands, we are connected links in a chain. Each kind word, each smiling face, each good action, benefits our neighbor, our nation, and our world.
Constant remembrance of God, irrespective of time and place, is real devotion.
