
How to attain concentration? There are no short cuts. Constant practice is needed. In the beginning, it is a great thing if by chance we get even one or two minutes of concentration in an hour. We should make continuous and sincere effort without stopping until we gain one pointed concentration.
A musk deer searches for the source of the fragrance of musk, but it won't find it because the fragrance comes from within itself. Bliss is not to be found outside of us; it exists within us.
Selfless service strengthens the mind so that you can overcome any situation in life.
True happiness is when the love that is within us finds expression in external activities.
Spirituality is the science that teaches us how to live happily in the world.
What is needed today is that we begin to value Mother Nature as much as we value our own mother who gave birth to us.
Meditation increases your vitality and strengthens your intelligence. Your mental clarity and health improve. You acquire the patience and fortitude to face any problem in life. So, meditate! Only through meditation will you find the treasure you are seeking.
An artist paints with focus; the painting becomes complete only through ekagrata (one-pointedness). Similarly, whatever is our goal, we need focus on that to make it complete.
