Many people talk a lot about environmental preservation, but true greatness lies in putting these principles into practice and actually doing something about it.
The agony caused by the longing to see God is not sorrow; it is bliss. The state that we attain by calling and crying to God is equal to the bliss that the yogi experiences in samadhi.
Where there is concentration, there is harmony. Happiness is derived from concentration of the mind. Whatever we focus on we will become that.
Once we develop the attitude that "I am love, the embodiment of love," then we need not wander in search of peace for peace will come in search of us.
Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life. If we dive deep enough into ourselves, we will find that the one thread of universal love ties all beings together. As this awareness dawns within us, peace alone will reign.
Creating fear and respect in order to teach obedience cannot be called disciplining. True constructive disciplining takes place when love is allowed to blossom.