
The mind always has expectations. In order to experience pure consciousness, this nature of the mind must disappear.
An artist paints with focus; the painting becomes complete only through ekagrata (one-pointedness). Similarly, whatever is our goal, we need focus on that to make it complete.
It is when you go out into the world and work in various situations that you can see how your mind reacts to different circumstances.
Only by understanding what is everlasting and what is transitory can we progress in life without ever losing our mental balance or peace of mind.
In every stone exists a latent image.  When the sculptor chisels away all the unwanted parts, the image emerges.  That beautiful form is born because the stone offers itself to the artist, sitting patiently before him or her for a long time.
True laughter comes from the heart.  Only with an innocent heart can we experience real joy and give joy to others.
A mind clouded by attachment cannot distinguish between right and wrong.
Love sustains everything.......!
