April 16, 2018 —
Amma's Victoria Tree Planting Seva
You are invited Friday, April 20th, to help prepare the land for planting trees at a Saanich farm.
Please meet at 10am at Vijaya and John's home, 2424 Heron Street. We will carpool from there.... more ›
January 1, 2017 —
Seattle Vancouver Victoria
*Volunteers needed for occasional bread pick-up seva*
This seva takes about one hour (from approximately 6:45 to 7:40 p.m.). It
is only on Saturday evenings. Bread is donated by Cobb's Bakery and is transported to Our Place to make
sandwiches for the needy on Sunday... more ›
is only on Saturday evenings. Bread is donated by Cobb's Bakery and is transported to Our Place to make
sandwiches for the needy on Sunday... more ›
October 1, 2015 —
Victoria Vancouver Island
Every Sunday at 10am, Amma volunteers make sandwiches for those in need. Members of the Amma Victoria Satsang volunteer to help make and serve a meal to those in need who attend "Our Place" outreach program in Victoria. We make sandwiches from 10am till noon.
From noon until 1pm, we help serve... more ›
August 6, 2015 —
Pacific Northwest Center
With Amma’s Grace, on Wednesday, July 29th, Dayamrita Swami held a Satsang
and performed a Pada Puja at the newest MA Center owned property (the
future home of the MACenter PNW). Approximately seventy people attended
the celebration which was followed by a dinner outside on... more ›
and performed a Pada Puja at the newest MA Center owned property (the
future home of the MACenter PNW). Approximately seventy people attended
the celebration which was followed by a dinner outside on... more ›