What We Do
Circle of Love Letters volunteers write uplifting letters to people who are in need of reassurance. We have two writing and receiving programs.
1)We also write weekly letters to people desiring continued support.
2)We write one time showers of letters to people who need a boost of support, such as surgery, or brief illness, or recent loss.
Many of our writers and recipients are from the U.S and Canada. We do have participants in Europe, India, and even mainland China. Recipients tell us they feel Amma’s love in the letters. Writers too, are uplifted by the outreach. Recipients do not need to write back.
We are in need of people who want to get letters and people who want to write. Letters are in English but occasionally we are able to match people who write in other languages.
If you would like to write, receive or refer a recipient, please e-mail us for more information. (you may need to check your Spam folder for replies)
January 2025
Gratitude for the shower of letters
I wanted to give a great big hug of thankfulness and love to each one who wrote love letters to me. Each letter was unique with messages of strength and encouragement. I will treasure them forever. I'm going to make an altar of them in my home. My heart is overwhelmed with amazement and gratitude. - Cheryl
October 2024
Letters of Comfort for those affected by Hurricane Helene
Asheville was affected by Hurricane Helene - The Amma community there with MA Center Atlanta and the AYUDH teams came together to work on relief efforts. Many of those in the Asheville Amma community were affected but gathered to organize the relief efforts.
The photos below are from the first satsang gathering after the hurricane wreaked its devastation. They are reading the letters received from Circle of Love Letters.
In the photo:
- Heart treasures in caring letter
- Amma's words find their way into Arati's heart
- Raj receives greetings of love from New York (he went without water and power for three weeks)
- Raja Sri excited to open her Circle of Love note
- Isis finds a sweet picture of Amma
- Smita reading the uplifting words from Circle of Love
September 2023
Compassion is the foundation of Peace - Amma
"The shower of love letters has been pouring in for Rose. The blessings that they bring and peace and love and comfort from them is something to experience. My mother n law is recovering from her stroke and each night I read them to her in the ICU. I ask her if she can hear me and she nods her head yes. It brings tears to my eyes to witness the sweetness of the writers. They are so caring, kind, loving, and creative. There was one with a picture of Amma on it and I laid it on her chest. I knew that Amma knew what was going to happen when I asked for the cards for her before her stroke. I felt the peace of her love washing over our mom with her motherly tenderness. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your loving service to have this program for the comfort of all people. I cannot believe I get to witness the way it feels for the letters to come to someone"
From Participants
"Writing letters is something I can do from home. It is a way to following Amma's teachings, a way to reach out to others, with love."
"Getting letters in the mailbox, full of support and positive messages, have been sooo wonderful, adding light to my day and letting me know that people are still here with me and I will be able to make it."
July 2023
The importance of writing letters, card, and praying with our recipients is a continuous exchange of connection in love.
As I embrace this 4th of July I am reminded that Independence is a sense of relief. In those brief moments of relief, I can breathe and then
Do the next right thing. Without that moment, I feel alone, scared, and overwhelmed.
Writing and receiving letters, is love in Action. As we give we receive. As we receive we give.
My experience has been that the kind shower of the power of words written comes back 100 fold. Bits of kindness sprinkled like breadcrumbs
Scattered in the forest to find our way home.
Outside the Circle, a phrase written in a card is passed along to a stranger in a moment of encounter. A connection. A smile.
Actions of kindness arise in our hour of need from outside sources to us in a variety of ways and bring a sense of relief. We matter. We are heard.
Amma is an Energy Force of Love. We are an Energy Force of Love as we write to others in the Circle. This is kindness and acts of service.
The Circle widens from our point to the world. Margarita and I have experienced such loving acts of kindness not only from the COL
But from doctors, nurses, and medical helpers, making this Event bearable.
Please take a moment and feel the love we are sending to each and every one of you both sending and receiving cards, letter, and prayers.
We are both so grateful to you and your service. That service has had a great impact on our lives.
Marietta and Margarita
September 2022 News
Circle of love continues to write to people who have experienced loss, health problems and isolation. This past quarter 85 letters were sent weekly, and more than 20 letter showers were sent. If you feel letters from supportive folks would help you, please ask for info. We not only need writers but recipients too.
Writers report they are happy to find a way to serve and feel blessed. A writer recently said "writing saved her life". She was experiencing depression, but the act of thinking of others, relieved her depression and helped to stop her suicidal thinking.
March 2022 News
Circle of Love letters continues to write to people in need of support. If you know of someone who could use loving support, please let us know. We can send one time letter showers and/or weekly letters, as needed. Email us at circleofloveletters@hotmail.com.
Here is a recent quote from someone who both writes and receives letters : "Knowing that someone cares is a wonderful thing. I appreciate receiving and giving letters both. It is a challenge for me to have chronic illness with disability, so I understand how important sharing love is. I count my blessings to be a part of the Circle of Love program."
October 2021 News
This month 103 letters were sent, each week, to people who asked for support. We also sent letter showers to seven recipients. One of the people who received a letter shower wrote this thank you.
"Every card I opened brought me to tears and were filled with the perfume if Amma’s love. Your beautiful art is decorating my fridge and I look at the cards daily and they give me strength and remind me of the love around me. Thank you again for your sweet seva and your devoted hearts."
A writer said "I turn to Amma and ask her to select the right quote and say what she wants said and then I am able to calm down and write. I didn't know writing letters would be so challenging and such a spiritual practice in surrender. I am grateful for this experience and opportunity."
If you need support, or know someone who is having challenging times, please let us know. The writers feel so lucky to have a way to serve.
We are always in need of new writers and new people who will accept letters from us. Email us at circleofloveletters@hotmail.com.
July 2021 News
During June 2021, 86 letters were sent each to people who are in need of support. We also sent showers of letters to five recipients. One of the people who received a letter shower wrote this thank you.
"Dear Circle of Letters.......... I am so eternally grateful for every single letter full of so much love and care. My heart feels peace, love and pure joy. Thank you so much! May Amma's grace always shower upon you all. A big pile of letters arrived on a tough day, and it instantly helped me settle. I have not been very good with receiving, but getting sick brought me to my knees and I have learned to open my heart to myself as well. Every single letter of love is so very precious to me in more ways that I can explain."
If you are in need of a lift or know someone who is having challenging times, pleae refer to them to us. The writers feel so lucky to have a way to serve.
We can always use new writers and new people who will accept letters from us.
June 2021 News
"I am so grateful for the joyful and peaceful synchronicities that touched my life through their beautiful and thoughtful letters." From a recipient
Amma encourages us to reach out to others with optimistic faith. This past month that is what our writers attempted to do thru our letter writing seva.
We wrote letter showers to four people to cheer and lift them up. Each shower
recipient received a flood of cards. One lady hung the cards around her house and sent us pictures of the display.
Because of the isolation of covid we have had a good number of people asking for letters due to loneliness and depression.
This month 64 sevites (volunteers) wrote 113 letters each week to people who live in their homes. The volunteers also sent letter showers to four recipients. We also had several new volunteers who wanted to serve from home safely. We wrote 60 people weekly letters to remind them that they are not alone and that they are loved.
We got word this month that two people who had been getting weekly letters left their bodies. We pray they are at peace and the letters helped them.
If you know someone who could benefit from letters please let us know. If you want to know more about participating in this seva, you can learn more by contacting us at
December 2018 - A Letter-Writer's experience
More than 10 years ago, I felt an inner calling to do selfless service as Amma has taught us. With two young kids and a demanding high tech job then, I often didn’t have time nor energy to do any volunteer work. So I prayed to Amma to guide me to find some volunteer work that is flexible in schedule and can work from “home” and one that is meaningful.
I came across Circle of Love letter program in the Newsletter and on Amma’s website. I was intrigued by it and contacted Sivamayi the program coordinator for guidelines and requirements. Soon I was a COLL writer. Initially, it was a struggle to find the “right” words to inspire or encourage or console the recipients. I was too green so to speak. I did some research and incorporated inspirational quotes and Amma’s teachings and excerpts. Most of the times, I just prayed to Amma to guide me to write messages that would most benefit the recipient. I would not say I am an expert now writing letters as I am still at a loss of words relating to topics such as death. What I learnt from the comments and feedback from recipients that Sivamayi so kindly compiled were that as long as we put our heart and prayers in each letter, Amma will guide us to deliver the message that will help the letter recipients. There is no one or fix way to do it right.
Like Amma has said, “The fragrance always remains in the hand that gives roses...”. Writing to someone in need of letters regardless of the reasons is rewards in itself.
I also feel very blessed to have received love and support when I asked to receive letters during hard times such as when my mom passed away... the warmth of outpouring love and friendships from the writers sustained me during these challenging times. I learnt not just to give but also to receive.
Throughout this process, I could feel Amma’s love and blessings to one and all. Where there is love, there is life. It is truly a complete circle of love and I am incredibly thankful for the experience.