Amma Center of New Mexico

Winter Clothing Drive at Interfaith Shelter

Winter Clothing Drive

It’s that time of year again! Amma Center is collecting donations for the annual clothing drive. Our friends at Pete’s Place have asked for the following much needed items:

  • Men and Women’s socks and underwear
  • Men’s and Women’s gloves and warm hats
  • Men’s and Women’s sweaters, hoodies, and functional jackets

Please donate items that are new, or in good condition. Please avoid donating items that are torn, or have zippers or other fasteners that are not working. Bins for collecting items are on the ashram building portal at Amma Center. Donations are also being collected in town at 228 Spruce Street. Bin is located at top end of driveway to the right of the house, behind the screen.

We will take items to the shelter a couple of times in November and a couple of times in December, to meet the ongoing need. So please feel free to donate throughout the months!

We are also accepting monetary donations to purchase some of these items. Checks made out to Amma Center of NM can be mailed to PO Box 4820, Santa Fe, NM 87502; or use the DONATE button below in the newsletter.