Amrita Book Club at MACC

The Amrita Book Club of North America gives participants an opportunity to dive more deeply into Amma’s teachings. The club meets twice a month on the first and third Saturdays from 2 pm to 3 pm via Zoom to explore Amma’s books and books written by Amma's senior disciples. All are welcome to attend, even if you do not own a copy of the book. For more information, contact Anaswara at or 405-818-9676.
Experience inner peace through IAM-35, a transformative 35-minute daily meditation technique. Conceived by world-renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), the IAM-35 integrates gentle yoga, breath work, sound,... more ›
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All are welcome to join the ashram residents for daily spiritual practices in the satsang hall:
Sunday through Friday at 5:50 pm (starts with 10-minute silent Ma Om meditation)
Amma requests everyone to regularly practice this meditation once or twice a day for the benefit of the entire world. Join us live or via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 828 7832 9402
Passcode: 092753
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,82878329402#,,,,*092753# US
+13126266799,,82878329402#,,,,*092753# US (Chicago)
Sunday-Friday at 6:30 pm (in-person only)
- Guru Stotram chanting
- Bhajans (devotional singing)
- Closing prayers and arati