Knit & Crochet for a Good Cause
Join the MA Center Chicago knitting and crocheting group to help people in need of warm hats, scarves, and more. The group meets from 3PM to 5PM on the second and fourth Sunday of each month in the South Lodge Community Room.
All skill levels are welcome, and if you are unable to attend the meetings, you can still contribute by knitting/crocheting on your own. Contact Bhagya at for more information.
If you have any questions, please email
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Our daily spiritual practices include:
Daily* at 6:00 pm
Amma requests everyone to regularly practice this meditation once or twice a day for the benefit of the entire world. Join us every evening (except Satsang days, which are generally every Saturday) for Amma's White Flower Meditation via Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 828 7832 9402
Passcode: 092753
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,82878329402#,,,,*092753# US
+13126266799,,82878329402#,,,,*092753# US (Chicago)
The White Flower meditation at 6 pm CT is preceded by a 10-minute silent Ma Om meditation, so please feel free to join the Zoom early (at 5:50 pm CT) to participate.
Daily* at 6:30 pm (in-person only)
- Guru Stotram Chanting
- Bhajans (devotional singing)
- Closing prayers and Arati