January 4, 2019 —
Food forests produce an abundance of perennial foods by mimicking the patterns of natural forests and local biomes. The MA Center Chicago food forest recently received some TLC in the form of cardboard and straw applied to its hügelkultur mound to help prepare it for planting in the spring. Our... more ›
March 23, 2017 —
2019 Amma Program at MA Center Chicago on July 11-13, 2019
41W501 Keslinger Road, Elburn, IL 60119
Nearby Hotels Offering Special Rates:
10 minute drive
Fairfield Inn
2096 Bricher Road
St. Charles, IL 60174
1.630.845.5500 or 1.800.228.2800
15 to 20... more ›
2096 Bricher Road
St. Charles, IL 60174
1.630.845.5500 or 1.800.228.2800
15 to 20... more ›
June 18, 2014 —
Here is an opportunity to practice sustainable living in your daily life, and do something to protect the planet.
Permaculture “create(s) systems that are ecologically-sound and economically viable, which provide for their own needs, do not exploit or pollute, and are therefore sustainable in the... more ›
March 28, 2014 —
We are pleased to announce Amma's official Facebook page. Like Amma's page to get exclusive images, inspirational quotes and tour updates in your Newsfeed. Stay connected to Amma, wherever you are.
https://www.facebook.com/... more ›
May 17, 2013 —
MACC AYUDH and Green Friends Bluebird Nest Project – Oct. 2012 and Apr. 2013
To view full slideshow - click here
Amma initiated Her new green campaign, “InDeed”, at her birthday... more ›
May 8, 2013 —
A private hospitality business establishment donated large amounts of furniture to the Chicago Ashram. This was very timely, given the renovation of the South Lodge at the Ashram. These pieces of furniture would come in very handy for the Ashram.
The donation included the following... more ›
The donation included the following... more ›
May 4, 2013 —
Amrita Bala Kendra Chicago celebrates 4th anniversary: A glance back at the journey...
Click here for ABK photo slideshow
With our beloved Amma's blessings, Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) Chicago completed four successful... more ›
April 17, 2013 —
Report by Paurnami Handler, MACC Nature Educator
Click here to view picture slideshow from this event
“Our first ABK garden work day brought warm winds and a few rain sprinkles - sure signs that spring is coming! We spent... more ›
April 5, 2013 —
First IAM Class held at MACC
The inaugural IAM class at MA Center Chicago was held on a crisp spring Sunday on March 24, 2013. Br. Shantamrita conducted the class which was attended by an enthusiastic group of students not only from the Chicago area but also from neighboring states including one... more ›