M.A. Center New England

Holiday Satsang with Br.Ramanandamrita Chaitanya

Dec 10, 2022 4:00pm-7:00pm (ended)

Please join us for a special Holiday and Interfaith satsang on Saturday, December 10th led by Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya at the Radha Krishna Mandir. Let’s come together and share some fun and joy during the holiday season!!! 

Please check website for updates or cancellations due to inclement weather.

Venue: Radha Krishna Mandir ,155 Otis St, Northborough, MA 01532

Please Click here to RSVP

2:30-3:30 - Chanting of Sri Lalita Sahasranama and Mahishasura Mardini Stotram
3:30-4:00 - tea/coffee break
4:00-7:00 - Interfaith Satsang with Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya, including the 108 Names of Amma, presentations on various faith traditions, carols, bhajans, arati and closing prayers.
7:00 - In-person POTLUCK dinner
8:30 - Clean-up

We are excited to share that our in-person dinner will be potluck style with a seasonal theme. Please bring your favorite vegetarian/vegan holiday dish to share. We will need an assortment of main dishes, sides, and deserts to make it a real feast. Please also bring a serving utensil for your dish. Tea and coffee will be provided.

We would like to encourage all attendees to volunteer to help with tasks needed to make this evening a wonderful experience for all.

We request you to remember that the health and safety of all who wish to attend the program should remain uppermost in our minds and hearts. With the Flu Season upon us,  it is recommended that everyone attending  wear properly fitted masks (N/KN95 recommended) when inside the hall.  If you feel at all sick, have a fever, or have been exposed to anyone who tests positive for Covid-19, please do not attend.

4:00pm - 7:00pm
Details to follow soon...
4:00pm - 8:00pm
Time, Schedule & Venue Details are tentative & will be updated soon...