AYUDH Give: a food and essentials drive

669 Om annadāyai namaḥ
...who is the giver of food to all living things
AYUDH New England wrapped up our AYUDH Give projects! We approached this initiative from multiple perspectives and deepened our understanding of the community's needs. Many of these efforts will continue beyond AYUDH Give.
- We joined food rescue efforts to bring bread donations from our local Whole Foods to Rosie's Place, a women's shelter in Boston. In just one trip, we collected and donated 24 loaves of bread!
- We volunteered at the Margaret Fuller House food pantry. Volunteering allowed us to see how our donations were distributed and used to help members of the community. Over two days we helped serve approximately 40 people.
- We organized a food and essentials drive at the New England Satsang. Thanks to the generosity of our satsang members, we collected 43 bags of beans/rice, 41 boxes of pasta, 49 cans of soup, 54 packs of ramen noodles, 96 rolls of toilet paper, 45 rolls of paper towels and more.
Thank you for helping Amma's Children!