M.A. Center New England

Nature & Yoga Day Celebration with Swamini Ambikamrita Prana, June 17,2023

On June 17, 2023, Swamini Ambikāmrita Prāna visited Massachusetts for an enriching and uplifting workshop day hosted by Embracing the Trees New England. The workshop’s purpose was to honor Nature, learn about Embracing the Trees, and celebrate the International Day of Yoga. Participants experienced joyful connection and sharing while deepening an inspired relationship with Mother Nature.

Highlights of the day:

  • Amrita Yoga led by Sujata in the driveway.
  • Eco-meditation led by Swamini in the backyard.
  • Swamini introduced Amma's 999 Yoga Challenge for C20.
  • Ahalya talked about the inner qualities we develop by caring for trees.
  • Each participant shared their love of and learning from trees.
  • Delicious Mexican lunch, enjoying satsang family connections.
  • Eco-trivia game and animal-acting “competition”.
  • Devotee and professional gardener Jess Tsoukalas gave an informational talk about our interdependence with nature.
  • Tree-planting demonstration and education by Victoria.
  • Discussion about next steps for Embracing the Trees New England.
  • Delicious chai and enlightening conversation with Swamini.
  • Devotees were gifted with optional Rose of Sharon and Silver Maple saplings to plant in their own yards.

Join Embracing the Trees New England Facebook Group for resources and to stay in touch with future offerings.

Click to view more Photos from the event