December 2, 2014 Vatican City, Rome
Today Amma, Pope Francis, and other leaders of the world's religions made history. They came together in one voice to declare that modern slavery is a crime against humanity. They called on all people, irrespective of gender, faith and culture, to work together to eradicate human trafficking and... more ›
November 13, 2014 San Ramon
The M. A. Center San Ramon is happy to announce a new “transportation seva” that will be serving special needs, i.e., people with disabilities, seniors, victims of sudden accidents or chronic illness, and others who will need a ride to see Amma in San Ramon the 2014 November tour. Please spread... more ›
October 25, 2014 San Ramon
Slideshow of Diwali Celebration Diwali celebrated at the M.A. Center San Ramon on Saturday night October 18th was true to it’s name as it is also known the "festival of lights." Amrita Hall was filled with 400... more ›
October 1, 2014 San Ramon
See Slideshow of Amma's Birthday Celebration at M.A. Center San Ramon On a beautiful sunny balmy Saturday September 27th, Amma’s 2014 Birthday Celebration at M.A. Center San Ramon overflowed with... more ›
October 1, 2014 San Ramon
Amma will be visiting the United States on November 19-28, 2014 - More details at MA Center San Ramon, California... more ›
September 10, 2014 San Ramon
The Embracing the World Silent Auction is happening now! In honor of our beloved Amma's 61st Birthday, MA Centers of Los Angeles and San Ramon are currently offering very special AMMA items for... more ›
September 1, 2014 Chicago
The AYUDH America Youth Retreat was wildly successful and went off with flying colors. Held at the M.A. Center, Chicago on August 15-17, 2014, more than 100 youth came from all parts of the United States, Canada and Costa Rica. Though the various local AYUDH chapters are active year-round, this is... more ›
August 12, 2014 San Ramon
Special Events with Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri the week of August 24 – 31, 2014 Sunday, 8/24 - Amrita Bala Kendra, Saraswati Puja for Students with Swami Ramakrishnanada Puri, 2:00 PM, Amrita Hall
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July 26, 2014 Chicago
AYUDH RETREAT – CHICAGO AYUDH North America, Amma’s youth group invites you to the first annual national youth retreat on August 15, 16 and 17 of this year at MA Center Chicago. The AYUDH International theme for the year is “Awareness in Action... more ›
July 22, 2014 M.A. Center San Ramon
Homa for Departed Souls of Devotees: July 26, 4:30 am An exceptional opportunity is available on Saturday morning, July 26, 2014. Bri. Rema Devi will be performing a Homa for Departed Souls of Devotees at the M.A. Center San Ramon. Amma has given instructions to perform a Homa for... more ›
