Bhagvati Seva Puja and Satsang with Swamini Ambikamrita Prana

Important Notice: The Bhagavathi Seva puja has been rescheduled to February 11th due to inclement weather.
Please join us for Bhagavati Seva Puja and Satsang with Swamini Ambikamrita Prana at MA Center Dallas on Saturday, February 11th 2023 starting at 4:30 PM.
Bhagavati Seva Puja is performed to the Divine Mother for protection from miseries, fulfillment of wishes, and for spiritual benefits. The Puja will be performed in the traditional tantric style, popularly followed in the state of Kerala, India.
You may register for a sankalpa (spiritual resolve) to be made during the Puja on your behalf, or for a loved one. Those who register for sankalpa do not need to be present to receive the benefits of the Puja. Register here >>
Covid-19 precautionary measures: All attendees must wear masks at all times. Please refrain from attending if you have been feeling sick, have fever, or have been exposed to anyone who tests positive for Covid-19. Please read Satsang gathering guidelines and precautions here.
Friday, February 28 until Monday, March 3. Timings: 10 AM to 1 PM
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at MA Center Dallas on Saturday, March 1 from 4 PM onwards. All are welcome to attend. Amriteshwari (Goddess of Immortality) symbolizes the Divine Mother as the source of eternal bliss, and spiritual liberation. In the... more ›