Madison, Wisconsin Madison, WI
“Maintaining equanimity of mind in all situations should be our focus. It verily is the goal”

Madison, WI had the honor of hosting Amma on Amma's first U.S trip in 1987 and for three consecutive years until 1989. We now work closely with Amma's ashram in Chicago, IL, MA Center Chicago

Monthly Satsang at devotee homes, first Saturday of the month 2-4 pm.
Contact us for more information at

Please email Veena Nair at if you plan to attend. If you need a ride or can provide a ride to attend satsang or if you would like to host Amma satsang at your home in the Madison area, please contact Veena at

Our activities

Amma Wisconsin/Mother's Kitchen: Food For Children
Collecting good wholesome snacks for school children.  For more information, contact

Amrita Book Club


"Today, most vehicles have a GPS.  We reach our destination using this system.  If we take a wrong turn, it will warn us "You've made a mistake, turn around," and guide us back to the right road.  Spiritual values are like the GPS of our life.  They go deep into our conscience and that helps us to avoid wrong turns and we can then always travel along the right path."-  Amma