North American News

September 24, 2012 Vancouver, B.C.
About 60 people joined the celebration of Amma's 59th. birthday in Vancouver, BC. The celebration included worship of the guru's feet, or pada puja, recitation of Amma's 108 names, a reading from Amma's texts, heartfelt devotional singing and the evening concluded with a scrumptuous dinner... more ›
September 23, 2012 San Diego
Sep 23rd, 2012, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held in Nita and Ravi's. About 222 bagged lunches were prepared and delivered to Interfaith Community Services.
September 12, 2012 San Ramon
Krishna Jayanthi is always one of the liveliest events at the M.A. Center in San Ramon. The program began with the narration of stories on Lord Krishna’s life. Following this everybody, children and adults alike, got on their feet for an indoor version of ‘uriyadi', a popular game played in Kerala... more ›
September 9, 2012 San Diego
Sep 9th, 2012, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Jayashree and Sekhar's. Volunteers prepared about 168 bagged lunches and delivered to Interfaith Community Services.
September 6, 2012 San Ramon
Marion Rosen is renowned throughout the world for founding the Rosen Method, a bodywork technique used for stress reduction and for treating many of the chronic diseases of our modern day lifestyle, including disorders such as headaches, muscle tension, back pain, joint pain, insomnia, asthma, and... more ›
August 26, 2012 San Diego
Aug 26th, 2012, San Diego. Mother's Kitchen was held at Anupama & Sudharshan's. About 168 bagged lunch were prepared and delivered to Interfaith Community Services.
August 20, 2012 Vancouver
Every year amid much hard work and enthusiasm the Vancouver satsang garage sale raises money for Amma's charities. This year a successful garage sale was held on July 8 and 9th. While Amma's grace alone is sufficient for her charities, it is a beautiful lesson for those involved in the art of... more ›
August 7, 2012 Eugene, OR
Three volunteers from Eugene, Oregon are the latest group to join the growing North American project known as the "Litter Pick-Up Project" which started in Seattle in 2011, inspired by Amma's campaign to clean up India. In Eugene, this new group is calling themselves the "River of Love" Litter... more ›
July 29, 2012 San Ramon
Starting on Thursday, August 23rd, Swami Ramakrishnananda will be spending a week at the M.A Center, San Ramon. This will be a special opportunity to spend some time with one of Amma's most senior disciples. All are invited. Please mark your calendars for his visit on August 23rd through... more ›
July 28, 2012 San Ramon
The plum trees at GreenFriends Farm at the M.A. Center in San Ramon have been very busy this year! So far, over 300 lbs of very high quality, fragrant, and lusciously sweet Santa Rosa plums have been harvested. In June, the first bountiful harvest of these heavenly plums were offered to Amma and... more ›
