Vancouver, BC Satsang

Amma Videos - Amma Sings at Home (2000) - first part

Amma playing tambourine
Dec 31, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm 

Amma Sings at Home 2000

Wherever Amma goes, She takes music with Her. At Her home ashram in India, music plays a part in almost every event. There are formal bhajans every evening, but Amma Sings at Home concentrates on the unexpected bhajans. During meditation, while giving darshan, even at the beach or swimming pool, Mother suddenly begins singing. These include moments of overflowing joy, times of quiet, inner reflection. Sometimes there is a delightful laughter, at other times there are deeply moving tears.

About the Unexpected Darshan Series: These videos are intended for devotees who long for immersion in intimate times with Mother. Because of the nature of the events and conditions around Mother, recording at such times means accepting poor light, background noise and jostling of the camera. This is not unlike the reality of being in Her presence. Please forgive the lack of technical polish and rejoice that you can be there for such unexpected darshans!

Length: Amma Sings at Home video is 1 hour 21 minutes long - we will view the last hour today and the first 20 minutes were viewed on December 17, 2024.

Copying: Copying is not allowed. Please no copying of videos

Zoom access: Please contact Veda for Zoom access information.

Discussion: You are warmly invited to a discussion/chat after the video if you like.

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