Vancouver, BC Satsang

Amma Videos - Amma Sings Again! - Unexpected Darshan V - Ellam Ariyunna Ammayot and Pray and Serve

Oct 8, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm (ended)

First Video: Unexpected Darshan V - Amma singing the bhajan Ellam Ariyunna Ammayot while she chops carrots - the day before her birthday.

Length: 7 minutes

Second Video: Pray and Serve. Amma's response to the 2004 Tsunami

The Mata Amritanandamayi Math’s documentary “Pray & Serve: Amma’s Response to the Tsunami” won the Filmmaker’s Award at the prestigious Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival in Arkansas, USA.

Please go to the link, for an account of this time at Amritapuri, by Brahmachari Dhyanamrita Chaitanya - now Swami Dayamritananda Puri,

Swami Dayamitananda Puri is one of Amma’s senior monastic disciples. He met Her more than 40 years ago and is now the Executive Director of MA Centers.  Over the past 25 years, Sw. Dayamritananda has traveled extensively to different cities in the US, Canada and South America giving spiritual talks, counselling Amma’s satsang members, and answering their questions.  He holds an undergraduate degree in Physics and a masters degree in Film Technology.  He tours tirelessly in order to inspire all of Amma’s satsang groups to better serve their communities and keep alive the flame of selfless service that Amma has illuminated in their hearts.

Swami Dayamritananda's schedule

Swami Dayamritananda Puri

Length: 42 minutes

Length of both videos: 49 minutes

Discussion: Please stay for a chat after if you like.

Zoom Access: Please email Veda for Zoom access information.

Video Copying: Please no copying of the videos.

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