Vancouver, BC Satsang

Amma Videos - World Tour 1995 - USA - Second 1/2

Nov 12, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm 

From the VHS jacket:

In May 1995, Ammachi began Her Ninth World Tour. She visited Japan, United States, England, France, Belgium, German, Italy, Switzerland and Sweden. She blessed thousands of people wherever She went and returned to India in August.

Join Ammachi as She gives darshan, satsang, sings bhajans, conducts Devi Puja and receives devotees in Devi Bhava around the world.

Ammachi is a source of inspiration and support for humanity. She is like a vast expanse of love that caresses, soothes and fills with peace and love the hearts of those who approach Her. Her simplicity, sense of humor and practical wisdom shine through Her every word. Her compassion knows no bounds.

"Human beings can learn many things from Mother Nature. Take an apple tree, for example. It gives all its fruits to others, taking nothing for itself. Its very existence is meant for other living beings. A river willingly accepts all impurities and gives purity in return. It sacrifices everything for others. Children each object in this world can teach us sacrifice. Without sacrifice, there is no world. Sacrificing everything for the good of the world is the greatest sacrifice. This is the work of real saints, the saviours of humanity.

Video Quality: please note that this VHS tape has been transcribed to a digital form so the quality may be affected. Amma's love keeps shining through though!

Length: ~1 hour - this is the second half. The first have was viewed on Tuesday April 26, 2022

Copying: Copying is not allowed. Please no copying of videos

Zoom access: Please contact Veda for Zoom access information.

Discussion: You are warmly invited to a discussion/chat after the video if you like.

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