Vancouver, BC Satsang

Satsang in Burnaby

Apr 28, 2024 5:00pm-7:00pm (ended)

When: Sunday, April 28th 2024
             5:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Where: 4478 Graveley St,
            Burnaby, BC

Contact: clara@778 871 0553


A simple vegetarian meal will be served after satsang. Please let me know in your RSVP if you're planning to bring something.
Jai Ma! Looking forward to a joyful satsang.


1:00pm - 2:00pm
Amma Sings at Home 2000 Wherever Amma goes, She takes music with Her. At Her home ashram in India, music plays a part in almost every event. There are formal bhajans every evening, but Amma Sings at Home concentrates on the unexpected bhajans. During meditation, while giving darshan, even at the... more ›
1:00am - 2:00pm
Bhajans 2006 - Part 1 - Amme Ulakam Length: 6 minutes 34 seconds Amma Sings Mahishasuramardini Stotram
  • In July of 2004, during the Albuquerque, New Mexico retreat, Amma sang a rare chant in praise of the Divine Mother. The Mahishasuramardini Stotram, written by the great saint Adi Shankara...
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1:00pm - 2:00pm
Unexpected Darshan Amma is known the world over for Her special form of giving darshan: hugging. But Unexpected Darshan lets us see (have the darshan of) this remarkable modern day saint in many different and often surprising forms: we see Her working alongside Her ashramites in India, playing with... more ›