Global News

"Arigato, Amma!" - Amma's Visit to Japan, 2018

Amma's visited the Ryutsu Center in Tokyo, Japan for three days, drawing to a close on May 31, 2018. As always, the Japanese devotees were filled with sincere gratitude to Amma for her visit. An unforgettable moment occurred after the Arati on the second evening. The group performing the ceremony was so touched by the loving glances from Amma, they began calling out over and over again "Arigato, Arigato," which means "thank you" in Japanese. The moment was so special that many in the audience also called out "Arigato, Arigato!"

On this evening, a local 78-year old woman spoke about her soulful experiences during her first visit to Amritapuri a few years before. Several well known personalities in Japan also came to meet Amma including renowned Japanese spiritual writer and author, Koya Yamakawa. Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno, former First Lady of Indonesia, philanthropist, and popular Japanese TV personality were also present. The rich culture of Japan shined through with several cultural performances that took place including a traditional Shinto dance, a violin performance, and an opera piece by a well known artist.

Br. Shantamrita Chaitanya, Amma's representative in Japan, remarked: "It has been a tremendous joy to witness the evolution of Amma's Japan programs during the last 28 years. The sweetness and fragrance of Amma's love is appreciated so universally, that even in a culturally unique and isolated country like Japan, people from all walks of life and ages travel far and wide to meet Amma and experience the love here. Every year, we see in increase in the gatherings. Small children who met Amma when at a young age are now doctors, nurses and lawyers. It's amazing to see the transformation in this younger generation."