Châlons is Amma, the world is Amma
Chalon en Champagne, France
26-28 October 2018
In the second year of Amma's visit to this province of France – despite being more than 2 hours's drive from Paris, the massive Le Capitole en Champagne was overflowing with people on all 3 days of programs there.
Amma was welcomed to France by acclaimed French recording artist and composer, Mathieu Chedid, better known as M; Ms. Martine Lizola, Regional counselor and Deputy-Mayor of Châlons-en-Champagne; and Ms. Anne Ducrocq, Director of the ''Points-Vivre'' Editions publishing company, which has published two books of Amma's teachings for the French market.
Ms. Ducrocq spoke about her experience publishing Amma's work. "Today, with the two first books, we have exceeded 100,000 copies, and it is recently available in supermarkets and hypermarkets. This is not small mainstream anymore but huge mainstream…And for a spiritual book, it is a miracle. Last year, the first two books were ranked in the best 50 spiritual book sales. We are witnessing the recognition of a true spiritual master… Amma gives a million darshans a year. But her darshan is a door. A door that opens a way towards love and towards others. In her arms, everything starts but then you have to start working."
Ms. Lizola reflected, "Châlons-en-Champagne is so proud to welcome Amma for 3 days as part of her Europe Tour. I am personally so touched to be here with you, to represent our Mayor, Benoist Apparu and our community. .. in this hall, which seems to have been built just for Amma's venue. Today, many devotees are meeting on the way to compassion and love. This way is paved by Amma… Today. I can say: Châlons is Amma, the world is Amma."
M shared a poem written by his own grandmother, which he felt captured the moment:
"I tied hope to the roots of life.
In front of the dark, I planted lights, like flames along the edge of the nights.
Lights that stay, flames that slide, between shadow and destruction.
These lights are reborn, the flames rise up and never die.
I tie hope in the soil of the heart, I take in all hope in its wild spirit."
In her own remarks, Amma spoke about the importance of looking within for true fulfillment: "At present, we are trying to fill the broken pot of the mind with the water of worldly objects. A broken pot can never be filled. But if we can discover the ever-full pot of bliss that exists within each of us, then the mind will stop its endless pursuit of material objects. Having received this precious human birth, we should not waste it for a trifle of worldly pleasures."
Later that evening, M performed for Amma. His inspiring performance and spontaneous "Amma" anthem delighted the gathered devotees, for whom the coming together of one of France's artistic treasures with their spiritual guiding light was a dream come true.