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Corazón Solidario honors Amma

Corazón Solidario honored Amma
This year, Corazón Solidario honored Amma for her life of service!

When Amma visited Barcelona this November, she was presented with an award from the Spanish NGO “Corazón Solidario” (A Caring Heart). The organization identifies and honors one person each year for their humanitarian work as an exceptional human being. This year, Corazón Solidario honored our beloved Amma for her life of service to others and her humanitarian work that helps millions of people all over the world. The president of the NGO, Emilio Álvarez, handed this Award to Amma.

For the past three years, Amma has been supporting children in nearby Granollers, with Embracing the World sponsoring underprivileged children who are unable to afford school cafeteria and transportation as well as medical care and after school programs. So far, 110 children have been supported in this way, and this year Amma presented a check with the donation from Embracing the World to Ms. María del Mar Sánchez, from Granollers City Hall, so that this project can continue.

Another highlight of Amma’s program in Barcelona was the performance of the Sant Andreu Jazz Band, a highly accomplished youth jazz band, comprised of musicians aged from as young as 7 years old up to 20. The entire arena was spellbound by their lyrical, meditative performance, brimming with talent and obvious practice, dedication and focus. Listen to their offering to Amma.

For the past four years, inspired by Amma’s example, our volunteers working out of Barcelona, Spain have been running an outreach program with the nearby Quatre Camins prison. The prisoners learn and practice Amma’s IAM meditation, and engage in service and environmental projects both within and outside the prison’s walls. The prisoners say that Amma’s influence, through her meditation, teachings, and inspiration to serve, has made a big impact on their lives, helping to clear their minds and soothe their hearts.

This year, two prisoners brought to Amma poems they had written to express their feelings for her and the difference she has made in their lives. One of the prisoners even rapped his poem for Amma. For now, we’ll leave you with his words:

A Song for Amma from the Prison (excerpted)

Sometimes I feel sad
1,000 things stick with me
in this material world
ruled by currency
but you break my barriers –
your humility without prejudice
envelops me in your arms
And I forget all judgment
Amid the darkness there is a shining light
Shining shining shining!
And this is love, this is LOVE!
A hug is neither power, nor food, nor money
But it is pure and true and love
Helping others is how we get more love
Melt your hate in a hug, to build peace
Within you there is a higher being
Invite him to create a better world!

The prison was dark,
with gray bars on their windows,
and bits of dry land in the midst of sad dull pavilions.
You came and glided quiet and sweetly
behind bars, gates, ramparts and walls.
your loving gaze stopped on us,
prisoners of our fears.
And from the dizzying depth of your eyes
rays of divine love emanate
making our dead hearts
and dry lands blossom
Now the prison is no longer behind bars, you taught us
with your example to transcend them.
Dry lands have become magical gardens
Who worship Goddess Earth.
and our hearts opened to serve the world.
Amma, has turned the prison into a temple
and us into your servants.
Never stop looking at us, please Amma
Do not remove your sweet eyes from us
because your gaze dissolves the bars of our prisons
and now we know that there is light.