Global News

Faith will save our world

"Faith is lacking in society, so I came here to see how faith works. I believe that in the face of destruction today, only faith can bring the world together. When I see all of you sitting here in faith together, I realize that this is what keeps the world going. Faith will save our world," said Ambassador Dinesh K. Patnaik in his opening speech to inaugurate the ceremony celebrating Amma's 30 years of program in Great Britain. Amongst him was Ms. Maddy Harland, editor and co-founder of highly esteemed Permaculture magazine, as well as thousands of Londonites who came to meet Amma and experience her transformative embrace.

"Amma not only brings us faith, but shows us how to inspire others for service - this is rare. While many may be able to inspire, Amma uses her inspirational power, not for personal gain, but for the betterment of the world. These two factors - faith and inspiration - cultivated by Amma and found in this very room, are what is needed to change the world," Patnaik said on Amma's potent ability to transform the hearts of thousands for the good of the world.

Ms. Maddy Harland spoke to Amma's profound humanitarian manifestation of spirituality - "Amma's unique approach is spirituality in action. Her practical approaches to solving ecological and human crises are unique." Harland listed off the awe-inspiring accomplishments of Embracing the World, thanking Amma for her contribution to conserving Mother Earth and creating a space of awareness for the cause. Harland specifically honored the efforts made by the local Embracing the World- UK, who pledged to plant 1000 trees and exceeded their goal by planting 1,600 trees in the past year.

The ceremony concluded with an offering of five trees to be planted by the United Kingdom devotees. As a symbol of gratitude, love, and transformation, the thousands of people in the crowd waved flowers of all different colors -  exclaiming "thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for creating this beautiful, fragrant, and unique garden of flowers - a family of love and unity - for the past thirty years."

-Elizabeth Brown