Kindness and trust spreads peace!

The past ten days have been festive with online celebration of the Divine in the form of Mother. Thousands of admirers participated in this prayer and celebration across the Nation. Swami Dayamritananda Puri received the following letter recently from an admirer, Amina Fuller.
Respected Swami,
I hope you are well. I wanted to thank you for the beautiful Navaratri celebrations over these past nine days. In school, even virtually, I often find myself around people who behave in negative ways, and longing for Amma and her holy presence. I try to uplift them but I need support and these programs remind me of what I am working for. I looked forward to your evening program as a spiritual end to a long day.
In honor of the ninth day of Navaratri my Mom and I made grilled cheese and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for our community that is homeless. I deeply felt Amma's presence with me as I hummed her bhajans while distributing the food. I could see the impact that just one simple sandwich could have on people. When we were walking, we saw a homeless man with a mental condition. My Mom immediately recognized him from when she had seen him earlier that week and had prayed for him during Amma's program today. Seeing him, people quickly walked the other way, but we approached him with caution. Making eye contact with me, he took a long metal bar out of his shopping cart and began waving it at us. My Mom pulled a sandwich out of the bag and held it in the air. The man smiled and put the bar back in the cart and took the sandwich, beaming and thanking us.
"God bless you." My Mom said, as we turned to walk away he called out.
"I'm sorry, I don't know whom to trust, but I trust in God and you are with God. Be careful." He went on talking about safety and thanking us, his smile never faltering.
Wanted to share this incident with you Swami. My Mom Saeda also sends her deepest gratitude.
Thank you,