Global News

National Seminar on Temples

Indian temples are storehouses of all classical forms of art and learning. Classical arts such as dance, music, sculpture and painting have their roots in the temple culture. Art was never an exclusive aspect and was closely tied with daily life, beliefs, customs and sciences. Temples were also centers of traditional learning, where ancient knowledge was passed on in the oral tradition.

They also served as centers giving emotional and psychological comfort to supporters and as spiritual centers for Vedantic studies and practices.

Festivals and rituals that were observed in a temple not only united the community as a whole, but provided a stable economy to the society by creating opportunity for people from different strata of the society.

Thus, in essence, temples served as the background of socio-political organization of India.

Temples serve as practical examples of the execution of a varied set of shastras, such as the Śilpa-śāstra, Nāṭya-śāstra, Vāstu-śāstra, Dharma-śāstra, Āgama-s and Vedānta. It is a microscopic representation of the macrocosm. 


1. Temple rituals, festivals and the related āgama-s
2. Different architectural styles and temple history
3. Classical art forms and traditional learning associated with temples
4. Socio-economic and cultural significance of temples

Topics can be chosen from one of the above themes or other related ones. 

Participation - Call for Papers 

We invite you to contribute original research papers for this Seminar.

Authors are requested to submit an abstract of their work in about 300 words typed with a spacing of 1.5 space in Times New Roman (font) of 12pt on A4 size paper with 2.5 cm margin on all sides. Figures and tables, if any, should be included within this area. The abstract should carry the title of the paper, name and complete address with email and mobile number. Name of the author presenting the paper should be underlined.
Authors are requested to send one copy of abstract, together with registration form, by e-mail to on or before 20 October 2017.

Papers will be checked for plagiarism.

Abstracts and papers will be reviewed by an expert committee.

Comments and feedback will be sent to the authors. Authors will receive further communication about the format of the papers, once their abstracts are selected. 


All those who are interested in studies related to Indian Temples are welcome.
Please visit our website:
Website Link for information about registration, accommodation and payment details. 

Seminar participants will be awarded a certificate.