Saukhyam Wins an Award

Amma says, “When people live in harmony with Mother Nature, the song of life becomes sweet.” Many health and education related problems that women and girls face in low-income communities can be solved by providing access to the right products for menstrual hygiene. Amma started the Saukhyam Reusable Pads project in 2017, so that women and girls have a much better product for menstrual hygiene under the Amrita SeRVe (Self Reliant Village) program of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math. Today the initiative is a full-fledged social enterprise creating jobs and enhancing rural economies.
Amma’s Saukhyam team was one of 75 chosen from all across India by Niti Aayog, the premier policy think-tank of the Government of India for the Women Transforming India Awards 2021. Ms. Anju Bist, co-creator of Saukhyam Pads, received the award on behalf of Team Saukhyam.
Other purpose-driven teams and enterprises honored at these awards this year included Better India, Josh Talks, Mitti Cafe, Kinara Capital, Dream a Dream, Okhai, Teach for India and Rangasutra.
Last year, Saukhyam was recognized as one among the top ten climate innovations in South Asia by Climate Launchpad, the world’s largest supporting ecosystem for green businesses. Trees are destroyed for making disposable sanitary napkins, further exacerbating climate change and Saukhyam pads help prevent that.
Over 500,000 pads sold and distributed to-date are helping prevent the emission of over 2000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent annually. Saukhyam pads have also helped eliminate an estimated 43,750 tons of non-biodegradable menstrual waste to-date.
Saukhyam began with a DST-SEED grant from the Government of India. Saukhyam is today supported by Amrita University TBI, AIC IIIT Hyderabad, AIC Banasthali and Headstart Network Foundation. Internationally, Saukhyam has received support from UNDP, the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship and Women’s Earth Alliance.
Reusable menstrual pads are better for our trees, seas, bodies and wallets. They cost, on average, only one-tenth the amount one must otherwise spend on disposable sanitary napkins month-after-month. They do not contain any chemicals or toxins one can find in disposables. Women typically report immediate relief from rashes after making a shift.
Saukhyam pads are sold online in India as well as internationally in Germany and UK. Additionally, they are available in countries such as USA, Spain and Kuwait. Amma’s vision is that the same high quality pad that is exported should also be made available in the most remote rural areas at very affordable prices. The team is working hard to make this vision a reality.
Sustainable products and solutions cannot be use-once-and-throw. Our planet simply does not have enough resources for us to endlessly take, make, use and throw. The circular economy of the future has no place for waste. Reusable products, including reusable menstrual pads, are very much the need of the hour.
You can support Saukhyam pads by visiting the website