Tacoma Satsang Activities

Tacoma Satsang is a selfless service or seva group. We attend satsang in Shelton,WA on a regular basis and attend special events in the Seattle and Port Townsend areas.
Usually, when we attend a seva event or meeting we bring art supplies for the children and adults to create art, or create art for the Farmers in Crisis program or for the
future PNW Center. We donated a box of art supplies towards seva events in Port Townsend.
Free Tutoring
Tacoma Satsang attendees, Mike and Satyavati participated in Tacoma’s Community House program: Read2Me. This is a weekly one-to-one tutoring experience with a
public school second grade child. In the 7 previous years, they tutored third graders.
Circle of Love and More
Some Tacoma satsang members participate in :
1. The Circle of Love, writing letters to imprisoned individuals.
2. Helping the old and sick people.
3 .Shopping for and visiting health challenged elderly folks.
4. Cooking food for widowers are also services we do locally. This may include pet sitting as well.
All of the Tacoma devotees make monetary donations to Embracing the World charities, as well as to local groups, such as Tacoma’s Humane Society.
Mother’s Kitchen
Every month, for more than four years, some Tacoma satsang members have cooked and served the 40 men at Seattle’s Compass Center, as well as the 30 or so homeless people. Visala in Seattle is the coordinator for this Mother’s Kitchen. Satyavati is the substitute coordinator for the one time that Visala couldn’t come.
Organic Farming
Trying to serve the people organic food led to growing vegetables in a garden for this purpose. Satyavati had the opportunity to plant a large space at Visistha’s property on Key Peninsula.
Firewood for warmth
Another Tacoma community service involves getting firewood for a health challenged Tacoma devotee. The family’s sole source of heat is from a wood burning stove. Through the kind help and monetary donations from Seattle and Tacoma satsang members, this family has had warmth for 8 years. They use five cords of wood. We try to use wood from sources such as fallen or dead trees when we can.