Amrita Book Club

For Amma’s 63rd Birthday at MA Center, a new project was launched: The Amrita Book Club! Devotees from the Greater Bay Area can join together in small groups to read and discuss selected books containing Amma’s teachings, providing each other with support and motivation to learn together.

The club will have chapters wherever devotees wish to gather together to participate, supported by a members-only Facebook group where suggested discussion points are available for download, and where any Amrita Book Club member can post comments and questions to the larger community of Amrita Book Club members.

The first book chosen for the Club is “Amritashtakam: A Vedantic Inquiry Into Supreme Devotion”, by Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri.

To join or start an Amrita Book Club chapter in your area, please provide your contact info on the Amrita Book Club Interest List at the back of the hall, or send an email to: containing the following info: your name, email address, city where you live, and whether you want to join or lead a group.