Global News

Eye Camp In Burkina Faso

There were less than 1,000 doctors in this counrty as of 2009!

Burkina Faso, home to a vibrant cultural heritage as well as the largest craft market in Africa, also suffers from massive deforestation, landscape degradation, slow economic development and low life expectancy. As of 2009, there were less than 1,000 doctors in the country—that’s less than one doctor for every 10,000 people.

Our volunteers recognized the country’s need for health care support and decided to address it. The same team that has held multiple eye camps in Kenya and Mexico, treating for cataracts and refractive blindness, decided to go to Burkina Faso.

From December 3 -12, 2016, our team worked with the local population in the 22nd district of Bobo Diulasso, the second largest city in the country. Read More