M.A.Center, Atlanta

Amrita Book Club Starting Soon at MA Center Atlanta

UPDATE: We are happy to announce that our first book club session is scheduled for Saturday, December 9th! We will be discussing "From Amma's Heart" by Swami Amritaswarupananda. Stay tuned for all upcoming book club meetings by either subscribing to our newsletter, or checking the ABC event page


Amma has graciously provided us with the Amrita Book Clubs so that her devotees throughout North America may have an opportunity for deeper learning and sharing of her teachings, as written in books authored by Her Senior Swamis. 

More Info:

1. Books - Books to be read in  the Amrita Book Clubs will be chosen by Amma. Amma has chosen the first book to be "From Amma's Heart" by Swami Amritaswarupananda. This book is available on Kindle.

2. Monthly Meetings - Starting soon, ABC will meet regularly, once a month, at MA Center Atlanta. Each session will be around 90 minutes. It will provide a great opportunity to collectively learn Amma’s teachings and share experiences with a focus on strengthening our sadhana and focusing on our spiritual goals.

3. Free of Charge - ABC is free of charge and open to all.

4. Join Today - If you are interested in participating in the Amrita Book Club please email our moderator, Ganesh, and let us know.

We will be announcing the times and dates soon!