Global News

AYUDH India Meet - 2018

From December 22nd to December 26th, 2018 AYUDH India hosted more than 1000 youth representatives from all over the country for their Leaders’ Training Summit “Now is the Future.” The summit began with an inaugural ceremony that featured AYUDH leaders from all around the world, expressing their individual experiences with AYUDH in Germany, Spain, Singapore, Australia, Latin America, the United States and India. It was a beautiful moment of unity amongst thousands of youth from nearly every continent - coming together in a common goal of service to humanity.

The summit featured renowned leaders and dignitaries from Vice Admiral Anil Kumar Chawla to Governor Honorable Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi who spent quality time with the youth in an agenda jam packed with workshops in every aspect of leadership. Sessions included invited talks by J. Sai Deepak- “Is a civilizational cultural identity of any relevance in an ever globalizing world?”, by Jack Sai Deepak of the Delhi High Court, and “The Concept of Happiness” by Rajiv Mehrotra, Trustee of The Foundation for Universal Responsibility. The AYUDHians also attended workshops in leadership and engagement, social entrepreneurship, self defense, and health. The nights were filled with fun events, including concerts by Herb Graham Jr, Rohan Kymal, and Amrita Suresh, an evening Talent Showcase, and Christmas Eve festivities with Amma which included cultural performances from all over the world.

The youth were also able to take part in many discussions on how spirituality may be incorporated into their everyday life. These included question and answer and darshan with Amma, question and answer with Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, and various featured talks by Amma’s disciples such as Dr. Priya Nair, Bramachari Nijamrita Chaitanya, Bramachari Shubamrita Chaitanya, and Swami Amritageetananda Puri.

The summit brought youth in India together in a unique way that they had never been brought before - combining their love for service and action with the delicate and important touch of spirituality and introspection. On the last day, youth left the ashram with a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration to be the change they hope to see in their countries and in their world.

Elizabeth Vidya Corley