Amma's 67th Star birthday celebration
Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya will perform a Karthika Puja on October 5th, Amma's 67th birthday per the Indian calendar, for Auspiciousness and World Peace.
The event will include meditation, bhajans, chants, karthika Puja performed by Br. Rāmānandāmṛta Chaitanya and puja steps performed by individuals remotely (details below).
You can register for the puja here if you want Br. Rāmānandāmṛta Chaitanya to make a sankalpa (resolve) performing the puja on your behalf. However, registration is not required to attend the event.
You may make a donation here if you wish. 100% of the proceeds go to Embracing the World charities
Performing Puja steps remotely
You will be guided through some simple steps to remotely participate in the puja. You may perform these steps mentally (manasa) or have the following items ready:
Small lamp
Incense sticks with a stand
Camphor in a bowl or small plate
Flower petals or rice grains mixed with turmeric powder (akshata)
Water in a small bowl/cup
You can join the event going to a and clicking on the “live” event listed on the page.
As we have done in the past, we will have the All Day Prayer for World Peace from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm celebrationing Amma's Birth start Birthday.
Dial in number: 712-770-5301
Participant access code: 343382
Everyone is welcome!
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