M.A. Center New England

Ayudh Alumni Series October 6th

The AYUDH Alumni Series aims to connect youth with mentors who integrate and inspire maintaining values and spiritual discipline during college, graduate school, and/or early career. Aimed towards AYUDHians ages 15-35, these discussions provide a space to navigate life experiences and empower an "education for life."

AYUDH Alum series is grateful to host Hariprasad CM as our next speaker. Hariprasad CM, aka HARIOLOGY, is a researcher by profession and a Rubik’s Cube artist by passion.

He has been into Speed-cubing since 2010 and has trained more than two thousand kids on how to solve a Rubik’s cube. He also enjoys making intricate artwork and portraits using 100s and 1000s of Rubik’s cubes where he meticulously creates them by folding individual cubes to match each pixel. His work has been featured in galleries and publications. He shares his passion with others by organizing competitions and teaching others how to solve a Cube.

Having grown up around Amma, Hariprasad did his BTech and MTech at Amrita University and is currently pursuing collaborative PhD in Fluids Engineering from Amrita University and University of Rhode Island, USA.

WHEN: Sunday, October 6th at 1:30 PM ET

RSVP & Questions: https://tinyurl.com/ayudhalum-oct-2024

How to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89578598875