Amrita Yoga Expands Further

During Amma’s US tour this summer, Amma emphasized the importance of training more Amrita Yoga instructors for the international community as well as Amritapuri and across India.
This transformative practice, born of Amma’s divine resolve, is expanding worldwide, touching countless lives with its focus on awareness with heart-centered intention, love, devotion, and inner peace.
We are honored to share a special message from Pujya Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, Vice-Chairman of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math and President of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. As Amma’s senior most disciple, Swamiji has devoted his life to sharing Amma’s vision of compassion and spiritual upliftment. He has been residing in Amritapuri Ashram since its inception in the late 1970s.
Swamiji’s words highlight the profound ability of Amrita Yoga to harmonize body, mind, and soul, offering a path of joy and transformation for all.
Let us join in celebrating this global blossoming of Amrita Yoga, fulfilling Amma’s vision of a more compassionate and harmonious world.
In Gratitude,
The Amrita Yoga Committee
Amma says, "Children, yoga, and meditation are inextricably linked; they function as a unified whole. If one’s practice of yoga fails to enhance meditation and foster awareness, it is merely a form of physical exercise, devoid of deeper significance.”
Amrita Yoga is a profoundly beneficial discipline that intertwines yoga and meditation harmoniously. This exalted spiritual practice was born out of Amma’s sankalpa, Her divine resolve. Under Amma’s direct guidance, Brahmacharini Shobha (Shobana) was empowered to traverse its intricate steps, enabling her to practice and instruct others seeking to deepen their spiritual journey. Page 2 of 3
Amrita Yoga forms an integral component of ‘Amrita Darshanam,’ which is the name of the esteemed curriculum of the spiritual and cultural education department at Amma’s prestigious educational institution, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.
Contemporary society offers a multitude of yoga techniques. Nevertheless, a spiritual practice like ‘Amrita Yoga,’ which emerged from the depths of Amma’s heart, stands out as a powerful tool for individuals seeking to deepen their spiritual practices.
Amma has previously introduced three powerful meditation techniques: the MAOM meditation, the IAM (Integrated Amrita Meditation), and the White Flower meditation. These three practices have helped millions of people around the globe rediscover the sense of tranquility and peace within. The daily practice of these three meditation techniques has helped them cultivate greater happiness, compassion, and serenity. These techniques have helped practitioners enhance their productivity, foster greater empathy, and diminish hasty reactions.
The guidance that Amma provides spiritual seekers is tailored to the individual’s mental disposition, prior practices, and inherent tendencies. Amma recommends the pathways of karma, bhakti, jnana, or raja yoga based on a person’s subtle inclinations. However, she emphasizes the paramount significance of bhakti (devotion), which she says is the most straightforward, uncomplicated, and expedient route to achieving results, and which brings forth bliss from the outset.
Amma proclaims, “Love is the most profound and familiar sentiment accessible to all, including other living beings such as birds and animals. Love is the bridge uniting heaven and earth, humanity and nature, and humanity and the Divine. The essential tenet of bhakti is love. Bhakti eschews technicalities or complexities, in stark contrast to other spiritual paths.” Page 3 of 3
The foremost advantage of Amrita Yoga lies in its capacity to guide individuals along the path of bhakti. It establishes a profound connection to one’s heart, wherein one may discover the true essence of the Self and the core of one’s inner being.
Any spiritual endeavor that is devoid of love or compassion will not produce the desired outcomes; thus, the presence of ‘heart’ is of paramount importance for authentic spiritual growth.
Each of Amma’s meditation techniques—MA-OM, IAM, White Flower, and Amrita Yoga—is a complete and self-sufficient spiritual practice. Nevertheless, just as combining multiple medications might lead to adverse drug interactions and trigger potentially severe allergic reactions, combining different spiritual practices can cause significant physical and mental disturbances. For this reason, Amma advises us to adhere to a single path and one established practice.
Brahmacharini Shobha (Shobana), the Director of Amrita Yoga, is one of Amma’s senior female disciples. With her wealth of knowledge and extensive experience, she is a distinguished researcher and instructor in yoga. Furthermore, she receives direct guidance from Amma regarding the conduct and instruction of Amrita Yoga for all course participants. Supported by a dedicated and proficient team of Western and Indian disciples and devotees, she plays a pivotal role in teaching and disseminating Amrita Yoga to a global audience.