Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, Amma's foremost disciple was on a Tour of North America during November-December 2024, along with Swami Dayamritananda Puri and Br. Ramanandamrita Chaitanya. These are photos from the events during that Tour; there were four retreats at MA Centers and public programs in multiple cities across North America.
Swamiji’s satsangs were a tangible expression of Amma as a mother to all and a concrete experience of ‘living Vedanta’—a sense of being that reflects the eternal scriptural truth that all is one. This truly manifests when one’s thoughts, words, and deeds are completed in the form of self-sacrifice, compassion, and mental equanimity.
At the talk based on the theme ‘Compassion in Action: Addressing Today’s Global Challenges’, at the Arizona State University he shared that the essence that beats at the substratum of every human heart is compassion. Swamiji said - “All virtues and vices can be brought under two categories: love and grief. Love and grief. All virtues such as compassion, patience, forgiveness, perseverance, etc are offshoots of love.In contrast, all vices such as lovelessness, impatience, hatred, jealousy, depression, etc are offshoots of grief. Because the end result is grief. That’s the fundamental problem.”
Thank you Swamiji for the inspiring talks, powerful, devotional songs and those very precious personal interactions.
Click on the links to view the photos/slideshows.
MA Center San Ramon photos -->
MA Center PNW-Seattle photos -->
MA Center LA photos -->
Phoenix programs photos -->
MA Center DC photos -->
MA Center NY/NJ photos -->
MA Center Chicago photos -->
MA Center Michigan photos -->
New England program photos -->
MA Center Atlanta photos -->
MA Center Dallas photos -->
Toronto, Canada photos -->
St. Louis, MO photos -->
Amma Center Santa Fe photos -->