Amrita Book Club Meeting

Dive more deeply into Amma’s teachings with the Toronto Amrita Book Club
The Toronto Amrita Book Club will gather to explore Amma’s books, and some of the books written by her senior disciples. Interested devotees will meet twice a month to reflect on their readings, and learn together how to infuse these teachings into their daily lives. The Book Club is currently reading and discussing: From Amma’s Heart – Conversations with Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. Newcomers are welcome!
The first Book Club meeting on April 28 focussed on the topic of HAPPINESS. The following sections of the book were read and discussed: Are You Happy? (Pg 83), How to Make the World into God (Pg 95), World and God (Pg 120). In the meeting on May 12, the Book Club will discuss the assigned reflection question: "Recall a time in your live when deep sorrow placed you on a path of Self Inquiry to find HAPPINESS". The discussion will focus on the previous three readings and one new reading: The Happiest Moment of Amma's Life (Pg 251). Please bring your copy of From Amma’s Heart, a journal, and a pen.
For more information or to join the Toronto Amrita Book Club, please send an email to The moderator will add you to the Book Club mailing list, and keep you updated on readings, reflection questions, and meeting time tables.