ABK Children Celebrate Ganesha Chaturthi

ABK TO girl doing Ganesha puja

Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra Children Celebrate Ganesha Chaturthi with Devotion

The children of the Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) joyfully celebrated Ganesha Chaturthi by performing a special puja in their homes, following instructions provided during a Zoom session. Each child gathered the necessary puja materials and, with great enthusiasm, participated in this sacred ritual honouring Lord Ganesha.

Smiling ABK student after completing Ganesha pujaSmiling ABK student after completing Ganesha puja

ABK classes, held online every Sunday from 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM, offer a wonderful opportunity for children to engage in cultural, spiritual, and service-oriented activities. For more details on these enriching classes, please contact Nitya or Krishna or email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org

Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

ABK student after performing Ganesha