About Us

Welcome to Amma's Toronto Satsang
What is Satsang?
sat = goodness/the Supreme Truth | sang = gathering
Though the term Satsang can be interpreted with deeper meanings, it could be simply understood as a gathering for goodness.
Weekly Satsangs
Amma's Toronto Satsang group is very diverse, with individuals of many different cultures and religions coming together as one family. Our group meets twice a month for satsangs, usually on Saturdays from 5-7 PM (2-4 PM during the winter). During satsang, the 108 names of Amma are chanted, followed by meditation, a reading from one of Amma's teachings, bhajan singing (devotional songs), prayers for world peace, and Arati (light ceremony). The gathering is concluded by a vegetarian meal after satsang. Everyone is welcome, including newcomers!
For the most up-to-date satsang schedule, please check Events. One can sponsor a satsang to mark a birthday, anniversary or other special event. To learn more, email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org
Need a ride?
If you need a ride to satsang or if you are driving and could give a ride to someone else, please email torsatsang.rides@gmail.com. Our Ride Coordinator will put you in touch with someone in your area who can give a ride or who needs one.
Group Activities
Toronto Satsang activities also include Charitable Programs, Farming Programs, Children's Programs, Youth Programs, and Meditation Programs. To learn more about these initiatives, please go to Activities.