June 20: Farming Seva

Many thanks to everyone helping to get things going and growing. 

The growing season is taking off at the farm. The apples and pears are now about 2 inches in diameter. Unfortunately most of the cherry trees are dormant this year. In the veggie garden the tomatoes have been staked. Some swiss chard and kale may be available for sale this weekend. In addition the bees are buzzing. Thanks to 2 anonymous donors, we now have a total of 4 hives. 

Farm Seva This Saturday

This Saturday we will need help weeding in the flower and veggie gardens, pruning the upper orchard and cutting grass in the lower orchard. Also some weeds need to be cut back around the Red House.  For more info or to reach the Farm Team, email ammatoronto@ammagroups.org.

Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu