Amma at MA Center - July 11-13, 2019

Jul 11, 2019 7:30pm to Jul 13, 2019 12:00am (ended)

Amma will be at MA Center Chicago Thursday, July 11 through Saturday, July 13, 2019

Amma has visited the U.S. yearly for more than 30 years. While here, she spends 12-15 hours with the public every day in about a dozen cities across North America. In each location she visits, she gives talks, leads prayers for world peace, gives one-on-one advice, and simply embraces the people who come to see her. People of all faiths and walks of life come to see Amma, who is a source of inspiration and solace and a model of hope, love, and selflessness in these difficult times. Come meet Amma this summer at one of her free public programs at MA Center Chicago. 

Thursday, July 11 | Day 1: One Evening Program
5:30 pm | Token distribution starts
7:30 pm | Program starts with the Amma's arrival at the hall

Friday, July 12 | Day 2: One All-Day Program
Morning Program
9:30 am | Token distribution starts
11:00 am | Program begins with a short meditation when Amma enters the hall

Saturday, July 13 | Day 3 Morning Program 
Morning Program
8:30 am | Token distribution starts
10:00 am | Program starts with Amma's arrival at the hall

Saturday, July 13 | Day 3 Evening Program/Devi Bhava
5:30 pm | Token distribution starts
7:00 pm | Program starts with Amma arriving and leading the Atma Puja – a prayer ceremony for world peace

For more information, visit


2:30pm - 4:00pm
Amma says, "Bhajans are prayers in the form of songs, rich in meaning and full of devotional content." The MACC Bhajan Class meets virtually on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month from 2:30 to 3:45 pm. This class is offered for those who wish to learn bhajans and study devotional songs and... more ›
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) passes on Amma’s teachings to children through fun and engaging activities such as stories, bhajans, arts and crafts, celebration of festivals and service projects. ABK focuses on values, multi cultural traditions, and spiritual practices.  ABK is held in-person in the MA... more ›
4:00pm - 8:30pm
Join us for a special Ayyappa satsang program, which will include a talk on the significance of Swami Ayyappa and the Sabarimala temple (a place of pilgrimage for people of many faiths), an Ayyappa puja, stirring Ayyappa bhajans, traditional deepam lighting (symbolic of the 18 steps to the main... more ›
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Join us for a group viewing of a Rama television series in the MA Center Chicago satsang hall on Sunday at 2 pm CT (except the first Sunday of every month, which is dedicated to... more ›
3:00pm - 5:00pm
Join the MA Center Chicago knitting and crocheting group to help people in need of warm hats, scarves, and more. The group meets from 3PM to 5PM on the second and fourth Sunday of each month in the South Lodge Community Room.  All skill levels are welcome, and if you are unable to attend the... more ›
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Amrita Bala Kendra (ABK) passes on Amma’s teachings to children through fun and engaging activities such as stories, bhajans, arts and crafts, celebration of festivals and service projects. ABK focuses on values, multi cultural traditions, and spiritual practices.  ABK is held in-person in the MA... more ›
4:00pm - 9:30pm
We are fortunate to have Swami Dayamritanada Puri visiting on Saturday, January 18th for our annual Pongal satsang. Amma says that Creator and Creation are not two, but one – the divine exists in and through all of creation. Pongal reminds us of this truth, and provides an opportunity for us to... more ›
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Join us for a group viewing of a Rama television series in the MA Center Chicago satsang hall on Sunday at 2 pm CT (except the first Sunday of every month, which is dedicated to... more ›
2:30pm - 4:00pm
Amma says, "Bhajans are prayers in the form of songs, rich in meaning and full of devotional content." The MACC Bhajan Class meets virtually on the second and fourth Saturdays of the month from 2:30 to 3:45 pm. This class is offered for those who wish to learn bhajans and study devotional songs and... more ›
4:00pm - 7:30pm
Amma says, "Satsang has the power to turn our minds towards good thoughts. Children, don't waste any opportunity to participate in satsang." Join us for satsang with Swamini Ambikamrita Prana, starting with group archana at 4PM CT. Swamini typically leads a gentle stretching session or a meditation... more ›

All are welcome to join the ashram residents for daily spiritual practices in the satsang hall:


Sunday through Friday at 5:50 pm (starts with 10-minute silent Ma Om meditation)

Amma requests everyone to regularly practice this meditation once or twice a day for the benefit of the entire world. Join us live or via Zoom: 

Meeting ID: 828 7832 9402

Passcode: 092753

One tap mobile

+13092053325,,82878329402#,,,,*092753# US
+13126266799,,82878329402#,,,,*092753# US (Chicago)


Sunday-Friday at 6:30 pm (in-person only)

  • Guru Stotram chanting
  • Bhajans (devotional singing)
  • Closing prayers and arati