Karthika Satsang with Swamini

Join us for a special satsang celebrating Amma's birth star, Karthika*. As part of our Karthika celebration, we'll be chanting archana on the hour every hour five times starting at noon (the last archana will start at 4pm). Archana will be followed by chanting, abhishekam, bhajans, arati, and the distribution of prasad. Afterward, we invite you to share in a freshly prepared vegetarian meal (suggested donation appreciated). Flower donations are welcome, so everyone will have a chance to offer petals during the program.
*In India, a monthly birthday based on the moon’s position at time of birth is traditionally observed in addition to the annual birthday based on the sun's position at time of birth observed in the West. According to the Indian calendar, Karthika is the nakshatram (star constellation) the moon was transiting at the time of Amma’s birth, so each time the moon returns to this spot in the sky (approximately every 28 days), it is considered Amma’s star birthday. This day is celebrated by Amma's children across the globe by doing various spiritual practices.
If you have any questions, please email macenterchicago@ammagroups.org.
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All are welcome to join the ashram residents for daily spiritual practices in the satsang hall:
Sunday through Friday at 5:50 pm (starts with 10-minute silent Ma Om meditation)
Amma requests everyone to regularly practice this meditation once or twice a day for the benefit of the entire world. Join us live or via Zoom: https://bit.ly/maccmed
Meeting ID: 828 7832 9402
Passcode: 092753
One tap mobile
+13092053325,,82878329402#,,,,*092753# US
+13126266799,,82878329402#,,,,*092753# US (Chicago)
Sunday-Friday at 6:30 pm (in-person only)
- Guru Stotram chanting
- Bhajans (devotional singing)
- Closing prayers and arati