"The energy of Pure Love is within you. It only needs to Awaken."
- Amma
As you probably know, we are a 100% volunteer supported organization. 1 person saying "Yes" to service for the Tour makes a world of difference, and here's why:
The Tour is M-A-S-S-I-V-E. Massive. Many thousands of people come to see Amma every day at the Hilton, but the core group of volunteers numbers a mere 60. Think about those numbers for a moment.
When just 1 person steps forward and says "Yes, I am willing to serve", that 1 person's efforts are multiplied exponentially within the group This Collective Effort is the backbone, The Magic of the Tour.
Have you stayed until the very end of Devi Bhava and heard the beautiful final words of appreciation expressed for all who served in the Tour? We hear that Our Collective Efforts, the Selfless Service we perform, benefit the world in more ways than we can even imagine, and that----
"Together, we may be able to transform this world into a heaven. Let us all pray for and make efforts towards this Goal."
"When we do Seva at the ashram, the benefits are multiplied exponentially. Everyone does not have the opportunity to do Seva in the ashram. During her Tour, it is as if Amma brings her ashram here, giving everyone the opportunity in Southern California to serve without having to go anywhere else. Also, since not everyone can serve Amma personally, our service to program attendees is like serving Amma herself." - Br. Dayamrita Chaitanya, one of Amma's senior disciples, speaking recently at the MA Center Los Angeles on the blessings of doing Seva, or Selfless Service.
Email: tour@ammateam.org
Call: 323 350 0044 and leave a message. Calls returned within 1 day.
Aum Amriteshwaryai Namah