Amma Video - Darshan with Amma in Taos 1987
Darshan with Amma in Taos 1987
Be with Amma in Taos, New Mexico during Her first U.S. tour in 1987 and enjoy darshan and bhajans in a very intimate morning gathering in a devotee's home.
Length: first hour will be shown today - we will see the rest of the video next week (22 minutes).
Discussion: You are warmly invited to join in a discussion after the video.
Zoom Access: Please email Veda for Zoom login access information.
No copying: Please no copying of the videos.
4:00 pm to 8:00 pm Where: 7C- 139 Drake Street,
Vancouver V6Z 2T8, BC Contact: Ambika @ 778 792 0890 . On her recent trip to Amritapuri, Kaz was fortunate to receive the spiritual name Ambika from our beloved Amma. RSVP:... more ›