Global News

June 1, 2018 Tokyo, Japan
Amma's visited the Ryutsu Center in Tokyo, Japan for three days, drawing to a close on May 31, 2018. As always, the Japanese devotees were filled with sincere gratitude to Amma for her visit. An unforgettable moment occurred after the Arati on the second evening. The group performing the ceremony... more ›
April 2, 2018 Seattle
At present the MA Center PNW exists and acts through the selfless service of local volunteers. Regular volunteer run projects in the Pacific Northwest region include: 1. Preparing and serving meals for shelters in the region every weekend of the month. Food is being distributed to the needy in... more ›
April 1, 2018 Japan and North America
JAPAN Tokyo Tuesday May 29 - Thursday May 31 USA Seattle Saturday June 2 - Sunday June 3 San Ramon (San Francisco Bay Area) Tuesday, June 5 to Sunday, June 10 Public Programs: June 5 -7 Retreat: June 8 - 10 Los Angeles Tuesday, June 12 - Thursday, June 14 Santa Fe Saturday, June 16 - Tuesday, June... more ›
March 27, 2018 Kerala, India
Over 100,000 villagers in Kerala, spread across 14 districts, have begun to receive clean drinking water as part of the ... more ›
March 14, 2018 Kerala, India
Chancellor’s Message “Knowledge is like a river. Its nature is to constantly flow. Wherever it can flow, it does so, nourishing culture. On the other hand, the same knowledge, if devoid of values, becomes a source of destruction for the world. When values and knowledge become one, there can be no... more ›
February 25, 2018 Kerala, India
Amma took over the orphanage at Paripally in 1989, after it had run out of funds and was about to turn the 500 children out on the street. Prior to Amma’s intervention, the orphanage had been run nearly into the ground, with the children often going without food and living in squalor and abject... more ›
January 13, 2018 Houston, Texas
Over the past couple of months, AYUDH Houston has been helping out the community after Hurricane Harvey by feeding and giving to those who cannot afford even the basic living necessities of life. Soon after Harvey’s landfall in September, the youth and community came together and started planning... more ›
January 7, 2018 Kerala, India
More than 500 youth from all parts of India came together from December 24th-27th, 2017 for their first ever national summit that took place in Embracing the World’s flagship center—Amritapuri, Kerala, India. The Indian youth were accompanied and supported by their fellow international AYUDHians... more ›
December 25, 2017 San Ramon, CA
Journey to Om - Music Retreat Register here: musicretreat2020.... more ›
