Global News

March 17, 2020 Kerala, India
A Sanyasi does not have a particular God. Sanyasi’s life is to serve everyone seeing them as God. Even a Sanyasi’s breath should be for the good of others. - Amma We are so pleased to announce that Amma’s representatives in North America were initiated into Sanyasa* asrama and... more ›
February 27, 2020 India
Amrita is currently offering 100 fully funded fellowships for international and Indian students who wish to join for a full-time PhD program under the various thematic areas of Sustainable Development. The fellowships will be awarded purely based on academic excellence. It is mandatory for the... more ›
February 10, 2020 Global
PROGRAM GUIDE FUNDRAISER 2020 - SUPPORT AMMA’S TOUR  Thank you all for your participation. We have stopped accepting ads for this year. You can continue to support this Fundraiser without ads. Go here to contribute >>... more ›
January 8, 2020 Kerala, India
In one of the largest ever international university collaborations in India, a Letter of Intent (LoI) was signed today by Amma (the Chancellor of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham) and Dr. Lisel Folks, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, University of Arizona embarking on a multidisciplinary... more ›
December 7, 2019 Kerala, India
Doctors at AIMS (Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences), Kochi have achieved a significant breakthrough by successfully operating a pregnant woman’s fetus and saving the unborn child. The 21-week pregnant woman’s fetus had a giant tumor in the right lung that was pressing on its heart and the normal... more ›
December 7, 2019 Los Angeles, CA
Amma’s LA programs were held in Ray Dolby Ballroom in Hollywood. It was a serene and peaceful program with hundreds filling the huge hall. At the start of the first program, Rick Nahmias, Founder and Executive Director of Food Forward, a nonprofit in Los Angeles, garlanded Amma. On behalf of Bill... more ›
December 7, 2019 Los Angeles, CA
Amma’s LA programs were held in Ray Dolby Ballroom in Hollywood. It was a serene and peaceful program with hundreds filling the huge hall. At the start of the first program, Rick Nahmias, Founder and Executive Director of Food Forward, a nonprofit in Los Angeles, garlanded Amma. On behalf of Bill... more ›
November 10, 2019 London, UK
Amma's program in London this year was held in Sandown Park, Esher Surrey on the 1st and 2nd of November. In the evening of the first day, there was a special program with some accomplished guests who participated and honored Amma's visit to London. Here are some of the highlights from the evening... more ›
November 3, 2019 Switzerland
Amma's 32nd visit to the land of the alps, Winterthur, Switzerland Amma's third stop on the European tour was Winterthur, Switzerland. It was a busy weekend where people gathered from all 4 language regions of the country for a three day program. On the first day, Amma was welcomed... more ›
October 19, 2019 Houten, Netherlands
"Everytime you embrace a human soul, it is felt everywhere in the world" October 15 and 16 marked the 20th visit of Amma to the Netherlands. It was Amma’s 32nd Europe tour. Amma arrived early afternoon from the German Amma Center Hof Herrenberg. Devotees had created a Kerala style Pookalam of... more ›
